Returning student registration will be open on Thursday, July 27. To complete the registration from a home device, follow these steps. If you do not have access to home technology, you can visit CES/CMS offices to complete the registration on Thursday, July 27, from 1:00 - 4:00 pm or on Monday, July 31, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
1-Go to CISD Website (
2-Select Menu
3-Drop down to Skyward Student Access and click on it
4-Type username and password and make sure to drop down the arrow to show Family Student Access
5-Page will open, and you will select the name of your student
6-Begin verifying information and click complete at the bottom of the pages. Once you complete each page, you will get a check on the right column.
7-Once all pages have green checks, you will submit them.