Colorado Elementary and Middle School are excited to welcome students to the 2023-24 School year. Our first day of instruction will be August 9, welcoming students into the building at 7:30 a.m. Pre-K through 4th grade will dismiss at 3:25 while 5th through 8th grades will dismiss at 3:46.
First through fourth grades will go to the elementary cafeteria for breakfast upon arrival at school. Fifth through eighth grades will go to the middle school cafeteria. If your child is able to walk independently, please drop them off on the Middle School side. If your child needs assistance exiting the car, please drop off on the Elementary side. Pre-K and Kindergarten students will eat breakfast after they have all been taken in the classroom and seventh and eighth grade students will eat following athletics and PE. Early Head Start students will also need to enter through the front doors of the building for security measures.
As a reminder, please do not drop your child off before 7:30 as staff will not be on duty yet. Also, please pull up to the directed colored cone to help promote a safe and quick pick up for all students. If your child is dropped off AFTER 7:55, then you will need to walk your child in and sign them in with their campus .This applies to Middle School as well. Our campus will be diligent about documenting tardies as well as absences. When students miss school, they miss out. The education environment can not be recreated. So CES/CMS looks forward to working with you to have high attendance this year. Incentives will be offered to encourage 100% attendance.
Dismissal will be a little different this year. As a reminder, Pre-K through fourth grade will dismiss at 3:25 while fifth through eighth grades will dismiss at 3:46.
Please follow the pick-up arrangements to help ensure students are picked up quickly and safely. At the 3:25 pickup, Head Start and Pre-K students will be ready to be picked up in the lane closest to the elementary office side. Kindergarten will be picked up in the outer lane closest to the rocks.
On the middle school side, first and second grade will be picked up in the lane closest to the middle school office and third and fourth grade will be picked up in the outer lane closest to the rocks.
Regular car riders will be required to have a car tag in grades Head Start through 4th grade. The first car tag will be free. Replacements can be purchased for $2 in the elementary office. At the 3:46 pickup, fifth through eighth will be dismissed on the Middle School Side only. Students will not be allowed to walk down the street to be picked up since that is a safety issue. Our goal is to make sure all students are picked up safely.
Walkers must be walking to their residence, not a car parked down the road for safety purposes. Please help us keep everyone safe.
Early Head Start will dismiss at 3:30 this year and as part of the safety protocols will need to be picked up by entering the elementary school and pick up a tag to enter the building. We will not be dismissing from the Kinder/Pre-K hall in an effort to maintain security for all students.
If your child is second grade or younger and a bus rider, someone must be visible at the door when students are dropped off at home. All age bus riders will not be allowed to switch bus routes unless it is a permanent change.
If you have transportation changes, these changes must be made through the office, not the classroom teacher no later than 2:30 p.m. on both the elementary and middle school side. If picking up your child early, we ask for parents to call the school office ahead of time to let the staff know your child will be leaving. If your child is not picked it by 2:30, please just wait until school is dismissed. Remember early dismissals count against perfect attendance awards.