As our athletes, students, faculty, staff, and community were getting ready for the 2023 Pigskin Preview, our board of trustees were hard at work during their regularly scheduled meeting on August 14.
The CISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved the 2023-2024 proposed tax rate at their board meeting on Monday night.
The three significant variables that had to be configured were the increase in the homestead exemption legislated by our state from $40,000 to $100,000 per 100 valuation, the governor's enactment of tax compression, and appraisal values and tax collection rates.
The district is proposing an M&O rate of 0.79340 and an I&S rate of 0.34156 for a total tax rate of $1.12554, which is 28 cents less than last year.
Our esteemed CISD Board Trustee, Attorney Ty Wood, stated unequivocally, "Anytime that we can save the taxpayer's money, it is welcomed."
TEA requires that school districts have fiscal year budgets approved by August 31. A public meeting will be held on August 28.
A special thank you to our Superintendent, Mrs. Jerri Kimball, our Director of Business Affairs & Finance, and their team for their meticulous research, consulting, and preparing the recommendation to propose the 2023-2024 tax rate for our 2023-2024 budget year.
The school district has received commendable results in the Preliminary A-F Accountability ratings for state-mandated tests, surpassing regional and state averages. Notably, our 6th and 8th-grade students have achieved scores that outperformed the region and state, and our 8th-grade science and social studies have garnered substantial success.
Thanks to our student's commitment, our state-mandated scores have significantly improved. We are proud of our students, teachers, and staff for their hard work and dedication.
We proudly announce that Colorado ISD Superintendent, Dr. Larry Polk, has been accepted as a member of the 31st Cohort of the Thompson Executive Leadership Institute Superintendent Academy.
The Thompson Executive Leadership Institute (TELI) Superintendent Academy is a nationally recognized advanced leadership development program for superintendents in Texas and surrounding states. Its goal is to assist successful superintendents in achieving even higher levels of discipline and growth.