October is National Principals Month, and the Colorado ISD School Board and Superintendent Dr. Larry Polk spent time during their board meeting on October 23 to highlight the fantastic job done by our CISD principals and assistant principals.
Mrs. Lorianne Toombs leads the way at CES/CMS, while Mr. Steve Komppa takes the helm at CHS. They are passionate about creating a positive learning environment for their students and are dedicated to helping them succeed.
"We have two of the most outstanding principals in Texas. Mrs. Toombs has grown exponentially in expertise and leadership on the CES/CMS campus. The level of engagement and collaboration on those campuses is amazing because of her commitment and dedication to her work. Mr. Komppa is in his first year as principal at CHS, and we were elated that we were able to promote him internally. Our systems of design are coming together. The first time I met Coach Komppa, I walked away from that meeting, elated, knowing that I never had to worry. Mr. Komppa is so transparent. That type of leadership builds leaders amongst leaders," said Superintendent Dr. Larry Polk Jr.
Dr. Polk continued by complimenting our Assistant Principals, Amanda Finley of CES/CMS and Kyle Admire of CHS, saying both are doing a fantastic job in their roles. Both Mrs. Finley and Mr. Admire came to CISD as sitting principals. "Anytime you can get a lead administrator to come in as server in a role is amazing, and the best is yet to come."
"We appreciate you, respect you, and we love you. Thank you for what you do for our kids and community on a daily basis," Dr. Polk added.
Board President Mrs. Emily Strain also expressed her appreciation for the principals and assistant principals, saying, "Thank you so much for all your hard work. We know that it is endless hours, and you all do a great job at it."
Also highlighted during the Colorado ISD Board Meeting:
Kyle Admire, Mike Chandler, and Manuel Bueno volunteered to drive buses and equipment for the Pride of Wolf Country Band on Saturday, October 21, to their Area Marching Contest. Their selfless act allowed Mr. Hale to focus on the band's competition. They started their day at 2:30 a.m. and ended it at 11:00 p.m., making it a long day. CISD appreciates the dedication shown by these men towards our students and school community.
With approval from the School Board, Colorado ISD employees can now take advantage of the Borrow and Save Loan Program offered by Big Spring Education Employees Federal Credit Union. This program allows employees to secure a $500 loan with just their school ID, without the need for a credit check.
Celebrating a century of Wolf Football, US Representative Jodey Arrington issued a proclamation that was presented to the board by CISD Athletic Director Monty Leaf, which can now be viewed in the trophy case at the Multipurpose Building. Don't miss the chance to witness this momentous occasion!
The TEA (Texas Education Agency) has rated CISD as superior with a 98% score. However, the district lost 2 points due to administrative costs incurred during the superintendent transition phase, which included paying two superintendents.
During the meeting, the board appointed John Martinez as the board member representing CISD for the Mitchell County Appraisal District for the 2024-25 term. The motion was put forward by Trustee Ty Wood and seconded by Trustee Jamie Alvarez.